sobota, 15. april 2017

Štirje še vedno aktualni trendi / Four current trends continue - or an experiment in Google Transfer

First of all, hello again :) My (beauty) writer's block has (hopefully) ended. 

Second, happy Easter to those who celebrate it :) 

You may or may not know that I am Slovenian, born in Ljubljana (which was at the time of Yugoslavia, now Slovenia (not Slovakia ;)). When I decided to give this blog a go, I contemplated about its' language. My English is decent, but I was having trouble with it not being in Slovene, because ... well, it's my mother tongue. But I decided that I wanted to write in English, because I believe it's more practical that way, because nowadays English is close to being an universal language. And if someone ever comes over to this blog who doesn't speak Slovene, well, s/he would get to understand what I'm trying to say :) As for Slovene visitors, well, I apologize if it bothers them, but I hope you will forgive me that the majority of posts are in English. 

And now to the article... :) After this long intro, I decided to reclyce an article I had written for a job application about five trends (in Slovene) and used a tool I sometimes use - especially when searching for a phrase - Google Translate or Google Prevajalnik. I wanted to check if the meaning translated into English. (And words or phrases that do not translate very well, are also highlighted. So my two pence about Google Translate - handle with care and caution!)

  1.  CoverBOY

Slabše znano dejstvo je, da v zgodovini ni bilo nenavadno, da so ličila nosili tudi moški. Ameriška znamka ličil CoverGirl je sicer ledino zorala že z izbiro ameriške komičarke Ellen DeGeneres kot svoje »dekle z naslovnice«, lani pa so kot prvega moškega oz. fanta z naslovnice izbrali sedemnajstletnega Jamesa Charlesa, ki ima tudi svoj YouTube kanal. Preko luže je sicer čedalje manj nenavadno (juhu!), da moški nosijo ličila, kar  predstavljajo YouTube zvezdniki PatrickStarrr, Manny MUA ali Jeffree Star. Ličenje je bilo sicer tudi domena moških, a rezervirano za (bolj ali manj rock) zvezdnike. Tudi metroseksualci naj bi ličila nosili nevpadljivo, medtem ko nova generacija moških nosi »full glam makeup« in je tudi ponosna na to. Novi časi so morda končno tu, čeprav tu mogoče ne pomeni nujno (še) Slovenije. A upamo lahko! J

Less known fact is that in history it was not unusual that the makeup worn by men. American makeup brand CoverGirl did groundbreaking oral already with a choice of American comedienne Ellen DeGeneres as their "Cover Girl", last year as the first man or boy on the cover selected seventeen James Charles, which also has its own YouTube channel. Through the puddles did less and less unusual (woohoo!), that men wear makeup, which represent YouTube celebrities PatrickStarrr Manny MUA or Jeffree Star. Make-up was to run the domain of men, but reserved for the (more or less rock) stars. Even metrosexual makeup to wear understated, while a new generation of men bear "full glam makeup" and is proud of it. New times might finally here, even though there may not necessarily mean (yet) Slovenia. But we can hope!

2. Make up gobice v (skoraj) vseh pojavnih oblikah / Make-up sponges in (almost) all its forms
Skoraj se zdijo kot iz pradavnine dnevi, ko je povprečna ženska uporabljala samo in izključno svoje prste za nanos ličil. Umetniki ličenja so sicer takrat že uporabljali profesionalne čopiče in tudi trikotne gobice za nanos ličil, slednje so bile dostopne tudi pri nas. Originalni Beautyblender, ta magična roza gobica, ki jo je izumila Rea Ann Silva leta 2002, je do svojega statusnega simbola prišel tudi z vzponom YouTubea. Vsak profesionalni ali amaterski umetnik ličenja ga (z razlogom) priporoča. Mnoge kozmetične firme so izdelale svojo verzijo gobice, kar je hvalevredno, saj je original vseeno zelo drag. A v zadnjem času izstopajo novi in novi načini za nanos podlage in drugih ličil. (Pri tem ne štejem čopičev, ki so področje čisto zase.) Gobice se pretvorijo v obliko tulipana, diamanta ali »naprstnika«. Svojih petnajst minut slave je imela silikonska gobica (katere prednost naj bi bilo, da ne vpije podlage) ali njena cenejša zamenjava – košček silikonskega vsadka za nedrček. Sedaj pa se med načine nanašanja ličil želita vriniti tudi kondom, napolnjen z vodo in tampon.

Almost seem like very ancient days when the average woman used solely with their fingers for applying makeup. Make-up artists have otherwise had already used by professional brushes and triangular sponges for applying make-up, the latter were also available with us. Original Beautyblender, this magical pink sponge, which was invented by Rea Ann Silva in 2002, to his status symbol also came with the rise of YouTube of. Any professional or amateur artist makeup by (a reason) recommended. Many cosmetic companies have produced their own version of the sponge, which is commendable, since the original is still very expensive. A recently the new stand and new methods for coating substrates, and other makeup. (This does not count brushes that clean the area themselves.) Sponges are converted into the form of a tulip, diamond or "thimble". Their fifteen minutes of fame had silicone sponge (which preference would be that they do not absorb base) or a cheaper replacement - a piece of silicone implants for your bra. Now, however, the ways of applying makeup wish to insert the condom filled with water and a tampon.

3.     YouTube zvezdniki, ki izdajajo .. knjige / YouTube celebrities, issuing books 

Ne samo na področju ličenja, tudi zvezdniki iz drugih vertikal tega družbenega omrežja, izdajajo svoje biografije, knjige z nasveti o boljšem življenju idr. Lilly Singh ali Superwoman, bo konec tega meseca izdala knjigo z nasveti, kako naj osvojimo življenje, ki bo bržkone šla za méd mèd njenimi enajstimi milijoni oboževalcev samo na YouTubeu. Njena prijateljica Grace Helbig je do zdaj izdala dve, Hannah Hart , Tyler Okley in Miranda Sing pa eno knjigo (a slednja je dobila tudi svojo serijo na Netflixu, trenutno se snema druga sezona). Med umetniki ličenja pa naj omenim Michelle Phan med Američankami, na britanskem otoku pa sta sestri Pixiwoo lani izdali eno knjigo (kot tudi DVD), njuna svakinja Tanya Burr  pa dve. Lepotna blogerka in youtuberka Fleur de Force je izdala dve knjigi, ki se osredotočata na bolj luksuzno življenje, Lisa Eldrige pa knjigo o zgodovini ličenja. Ne smemo pa pozabiti na Zoe Sugg, bolje znano kot Zoella, ki je sprva pozabila omeniti, da knjige, izdane leta 2014, ni napisala sama. A vseeno se trend izdajanja knjig zvezdnikov, katerih primarna popularnost ne temelji na pisani besedi, ne ustavlja.

Not only in the field of make-up, including celebrities from other verticals of the social network, publish their own biographies, books with advice on a better life, etc. Lilly Singh or Superwoman, the end of this month published a book with tips on how to conquer life, who will probably go for honey among its eleven million fans only on YouTube. Her friend Grace Helbig has so far issued two, Hannah Hart, Tyler Oakley and Miranda Sing but one book (but the latter has been given its own series on Netflix currently filming the second season). During the make-up artists, I should mention Michelle Phan among American women, on the British island are sisters Pixiwoo last year published a book (such as DVD), their sister-in- law Tanya Burr and two. Beauty blogger and youtuberka Fleur de Force has published two books, which focuses on the more luxurious life, but Lisa Eldrige book on the history of makeup (?). We must not forget to Zoe Sugg, better known as Zoelae who initially forgot to mention that books published in 2014, did not write itself. Yet the trend of books celebrities whose primary popularity is not based on the written word, do not stop.

4. Rožnato zlata barva / pink gold color

Pantone je barvo rose quarz sicer (skupaj z nebeško modro) izbral za svojo uradno barvo preteklega leta, a popularnost rožnate zlate barve ne pojenja. Nina Šušnjara je nedavno oblikovala steklenico za vodo (in obeskom) te popularne barve, tudi nakit tako visokega kot ugodnega cenovnega ranga se v velikih količinah (še vedno) prodaja v tej barvi (o kateri se sprašujem, če ni pravzaprav bronasta?). Ne glede na to, kako ji rečemo, pa ostaja trend v letošnjem letu. 

Pantone's color of rose quarz otherwise (with celestial blue) chosen for its official color of the previous year, but the popularity of pink gold color is not subsides. Nina Šušnjara recently formed a bottle of water (and key-chain) of the popular colors, including jewelry as high as favorable priced in large quantities (still) sold in this color (about which we wonder if it is not actually bronze?). No matter how we say it remains a trend this year.

So, what are your thoughts about this article? Which are your favorite trends or do you dance to the beat of your own drums? 

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